September Gurl
Hello sweet ones, I hope this post finds you well and transitioning easily from summer to fall. I absolutely love this time of year. I love the chill in the air and the crackle of early falling leaves, all held by the lingering summer sun and miraculous blue skies. I forget that this can also be a difficult time for me. My teaching career was profoundly stressful, but I often miss my students in autumn, I miss my colleagues, and sometimes, not always, I even miss the bustle of busy school days. What's more, the tragedies of 2001's September don't seem that long ago. I still have anxiety dreams whenever September rolls around. Occasionally, I feel a sense of dread. Only some of this do I attribute to the normal start of school. The end of summer this year was particularly hectic. We had visitors nearly all summer (which was wonderful) but I barely had time to think, let alone to write. Then suddenly the guests were gone, my ducklings were off