Sirens: Women Who Work Magic

Hello dear ones,

It's been a stormy month and a moody one. The Pacific Northwest has abandoned all trace of summer and committed itself fully to its new soggy season. That said, October was the most beautiful autumn month I've ever known. The fall colors this year were *outrageous* and I spent as much time as possible outside soaking them in. November is proving to be more sullen and gloomy. No less beautiful, perhaps, just... a bit harder to appreciate. 


I've been sick, and so have my children, which is typical this time of year, but we've all been doing our best to carry on and give ourselves little things to appreciate and look forward to. 

Which reminds me: one not so little thing that I appreciated this autumn was Sirens 2017! 

I've described Sirens many times before. If you're curious, here are a few previous posts on 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. Each time I attend Sirens, I meet new and incredible people who inspire and challenge me. I also strengthen and deepen my relationships with the folks I'm honored to call my literary family. I'm deeply grateful to the Sirens staff, volunteers, and presenters for their hard work in putting together an experience like this each year. Without Sirens, I wouldn't be the writer I am. I wouldn't be the person I am. 

Highlights from this year include: 

-Having so many of my favorite people in one damn place! (As usual, I failed to get pictures of many of you which makes me sad... but seeing you made me supremely happy!)

Darian & Tiffany

Cinder-Ysa by the fireplace

Me, Darian, Artemis, & Rook
Me, Flamingo-Ysa, & Joy
Artemis & Spirits

-I WAS IN THE PROGRAM. Lola and Manda did this for me and words cannot describe the delight, embarrassment, and happy tears that ensued. 

-One of my stories was published in Witches and Warriors: A Sirens Benefit Anthology. I'll tell you my little secret: I like this story. I really do. That is a rare and beautiful thing. I've just started reading the other stories in the book and holy smokes they are good company! Like, really freakin' great. READ THEM. (Please. Um, if you want to.)

Me, Nivair, & the book we are in together!

-The programming this year featured brilliant women such as N.K. Jemison, Kate Elliot, Kiini Ibura Salaam, Rebecca Roanhorse, V.E. Schwab, Faye Bi, Tessa Gratton, Dhonielle J. Clayton, Zoraida Córdova & many many more. I was only able to attend a fraction of the programming, but here's a peek.

Panel: Reader, I Married Them: Problematic Tropes in Romantic Storylines
Panel: The Magic of Beauty: Beauty as Narrative Device and Social Construction
Me & V.E. Schwab
Me & N.K. Jemison

-The Sirens Ball was, as always, pure delight. Because the theme this year was "Women Who Work Magic", I like to think that most of us showed up as our true selves. ;)

Jo & Erynn
Darian, Me, Ysa, & Lola
Sirens 2017
Having way too much fun with Manda, Artemis, & Sarah
Faye & Ian
Bethany, me, & Charis
-Finally, the setting this year was a vast improvement. Because my mom moved to Colorado in my twenties, the Rockies have become much of a second home to me. I still struggle with the change in altitude and profound dryness of the region, but I also love the peace and beauty to be found there. 

Also, because we were at a ski resort on the off season, some of the oddities of the setting lended themselves to some goofiness too. =)

Sirens was absolutely wonderful and continues to warm my heart as the autumn darkness deepens.  

Much love to you and yours as the holidays continue. Thank you, as always, for your friendship and support. 💙


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