Rebels & Revenants

Dark times call for dark stories. The news cycle has been atrocious lately and I've been in a health funk. Rather than battling off the darkness with sunshine and flowers and decorative gourds, I've decided to sink in. I'm going to spend my October cozied up with gruesome tales of terror and see what comes of it. After all, the veil is thinning...

But yeah, okay, there will still be decorative gourds. And dahlias. I mean, I'm not gonna skip out on dahlias just because our government is full of creeps.

Right on time for this spooky season, the latest Sirens anthology Rebels & Revenants just arrived in the mail.

My story, "Flowers for Gretel Gideon", is about motherhood, rage, and resentment.

It's the darkest stuff I've ever written, and as I posted elsewhere, I'm worried about sharing it. But also? Fuck it. (Told you I'm in a mood.) We need more stories about mothers and motherhood and the absurd expectations we have for women.

I've been lucky enough to be published in three Sirens anthologies now... 

...and all of my stories are about mothers. And you know what? I'm not done writing about moms. I'm proud of these stories and there's plenty left to say. Some days I'm too worn down by the world to find my voice, but today, I'm gonna howl. Bronchitis be damned. 

Shout outs to all the incredible volunteers who make these anthologies possible and fill the pages with their brilliance. ALL proceeds benefit Sirens Conference. That means that all of our writers, editors, designers, proofreaders and staff don't see a dime. Stories in this anthology are written by Lyta Gold, Lola Lindle, J. Lynn Baker, Cynthia Porter, Kallyn Hunter, K.B. Wagers, Natalie J. Case (also our editor!), Arden Ruth, Robyn Bennis, Rook Riley, and yours truly. The beautiful cover is by Amanda Pommer Lewis.

Paperback copies are $15, and digital are only $5. If you purchase a copy, THANK YOU. Truly. And if you happen to read my story, I'd love to know your thoughts. Even if you're like, "Um, Edie, not my cup of tea" or "RAD" or "Whimper, mumble...".

Love to you all. Yes, especially you.


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