Side Songs
Hello Loves,
I hope this message finds you well. I hope it finds you ready to spend some time outside or with loved ones or about to read a book you love. I hope this message finds you comforted.
Things are okay over here. I'm headed out this weekend to my first Norwescon, and tomorrow I'm participating in their writing workshop. I'm excited and nervous, the way I always feel before meeting new people and hearing what they think of my work. But I know it'll be good for me. I always learn something from these types of experiences, and I couldn't hope for more.
After the conference, I'm flying to Cleveland to say goodbye to an old friend. I'm sure it will be hard, but I know it will also be a time of great love and support with his beloved family and community. I'm grateful I can take the time to go.
Otherwise, I'm doing okay. Working hard at my volunteer job, spending lots of quality time with my kids, digging away at a novel draft, and dreaming up some new stories when I can.
If you've read this far, you probably know me well enough to know I've also got a side project brewing. When I turned 40, I suddenly felt compelled to write songs. Sad bastard songs. Mermaid songs. Tortured love songs. Call it my mid-life crisis, or maybe these tunes were cookin' my whole life and it was just time to serve 'em up. Whatever the case, I ended up writing a bunch of songs over the course of that year. I shared them with a couple close friends and thought that'd be the end of it.
Then Michael gifted me some studio time for our anniversary. I was stunned. I'd never imagined having an experience like that. The studio we visited is right by our house - a tiny little operation aptly named Weird Signals. The folks there were so kind and supportive and we had a blast.
Since then, Michael and I have been putting together one track at a time, with the help of some musical (and wonderful) friends. It's become our shared venture, and we've decided to call ourselves Foulweather Bluff. Ask me about why we chose that band name sometime and I'll tell you. ;)
We'll be releasing a complete album of mermaid songs at some point, but for now, we'll share a track or two as they're ready. Here are links to the first two: Weekdays and Lorelei.
You can also access them on Youtube:
This is all for fun and play, and honestly, it's been such good medicine.
Thanks so much for stopping by, and for listening. Much much love and many thanks, Edie