
Hello Friends,

I have some fantastic writing news! I've just signed with my new agent, Lisa Abellera of Kimberley Cameron & Associates

Lisa contacted me after reading and falling in love with BREAKWATER, my speculative fiction about a Miami woman who discovers she's pregnant as South Florida succumbs to climate disaster. Lisa has already impressed me with her knowledge, enthusiasm, and responsiveness. I have new hope and excitement about what's to come and can't wait to polish up this project for submission to editors. 

In other news, I'm still working and thinking a lot about all the change that's in the air. A new administration (!), new vaccines (!), new routines and adjustments to keep us all safe, and now, this brand new relationship and opportunity in my writing life. 2020 was a year of drastic change and loss, but 2021 is looking more and more like a time of change that heals, enlivens, and invigorates. Still, it's change, and that requires energy and effort.

It's comforting when I think about how things in my life have always been in flux, even if they seemed more settled at one time or another. 

I was sitting on the beach recently watching the waves move in and out and was struck suddenly by the truth that the line between the land and sea isn't a line at all. It's a constantly shifting and ephemeral space that changes with each lap of water, slip of sand, and tumble of stone. Of course it is. 

*The Shoreline* had seemed such a solid concept in my mind before, but there, in front of me, was the easily observable fact that the shoreline is simply a space of constant change and difference. 

And so is life. Somehow that thought is helping me take deep breaths and relax. I hope it helps you too. 

Much much love, 



Anonymous said…
Yay Bestie <3

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